Just What you Need: The Turmeric Immunity Juice

A healthy, nutritious whole food diet is essential for good health and a strong immune system. Having a daily dose of vegetables and fresh fruits helps out your immune system tremendously, and should you get sick it will help repair your body that much quicker.

Most of your immune system, around 75 percent is located in your gut, so that means what you consume forms the foundation of your health. Your immune system defends against illness and diseases by fighting off viruses and bacteria that might cause inflammation in the body or other harm.

When you get sick, your body or rather, your immune system starts to flush the toxins out of your body, effectively getting you back into shape. However, taking medicine may actually deactivate, in a manner of speaking, your immune systems natural defense response to any illnesses.

Here are some ingredients that when mixed up and taken on a daily basis will kick start your immune system to work at full capacity in no time.


Boosting your immune systems production of infection fighting cells is of utmost importance, and carrots are especially needed in this case. Being packed with loads of beta-carotene, a powerful phytonutrient to boost the production of these cells is just what you need.


Inflammation is the cause of many chronic diseases that have an impact on your health. Turmeric contains an active ingredient called curcumin, which is antiviral and antifungal, helping out in battling diseases. Turmeric contains wide variety of other anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.


We all know the importance of vitamin C. So, as a fact, orange is one of the best sources of this immune-boosting vitamin. The orange also helps your body at producing white blood cells and boosting the number of antibodies. In addition, vitamin C can act as an antioxidant, counteracting free radical damage to your immune system.


Granulocytes are what make up white blood cells, and one of the ways to increase their number is to consume pineapple, which also has other beneficial nutrients for your body. Having a decent number of white blood cells is essential to fighting off an infection, since they themselves are the first line of defense and act as a shield to protect your body.


Reducing fevers, encouraging coughing to remove mucus from the chest, and soothing sore throats is what the ginger does. Gingerols and shagaols are the chemicals that are contained in the ginger, giving it that spicy kick which opens up your sinuses and stimulates blood circulation.

An improved circulation means getting more oxygen to your cells and tissues, thus helping them in removing viruses and toxins.

Immunity-Boosting Juice


• Small piece of turmeric root
• A thumb’s length of ginger
• 2 medium carrots
• 3 oranges
• 1 pineapple


Put all the ingredients in a juicer. Pour and enjoy!