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The kidneys are the organs in our bodies that are responsible from detoxification. They are useful for removing wastes from our bodies. The also help with other bodily processes, balancing our bodily fluids and creating urine.
If you want to maintain your health or improve it, you should learn more about kidneys and how to cleanse them. Additional information to find out is which foods to avoid and which can help you in eliminating toxins from your kidneys, as well as which juices to drink.
Before we go into detail about kidneys cleanse, some people should consult with their doctors before starting this treatment on their own. If you already have some problems or medical conditions concerning your kidneys, immediately consult with your doctor.
You should start this process slowly. Start by learning which ingredients in your kidney flush by replacing one meal at a time with a juice.
From reduced bloating and preventing kidney infections, the kidney detox is one simple, yet effective way for a better health.
In the following, we are presenting you why kidney cleansing is important:
1. Reduce Bloating
When the kidneys accumulate waste and toxins, their function gets impaired, thus you may feel some bloating.
2. Correct Bladder Problems
Bladder problems may occur, frequently or infrequently when your kidneys become clogged with toxins and waste.
3. Correct Hormonal Imbalances
The kidneys play a key role in our digestive process, and we are susceptible to an increased risk of developing an imbalance in our hormones, when the kidneys are not properly functioning.
4. Prevent Fatigue
We may experience some fatigue when our kidneys are not in a good shape. This results in our bodies having difficulties in processing some foods, which limit our ability to convert food into energy and absorbing nutrients.
5. Prevent Kidney Infections
Getting an infection in the kidneys can be as a result of excess waste and toxins in our kidneys. A good flushing of the kidney will help resolve this problem.
6. Prevent Kidney Stones
The kidney stones are usually a result of an excess buildup of fats, thus by cleansing your kidneys the chance of developing kidney stones drops significantly.
7. Protect your Skin
Some skin breakouts, like acne and eczema, can manifest as a result of our kidneys improperly filtering out toxins from our bodies.
How should a Kidney Cleanse be Performed?
There are multiple ways to cleanse your kidneys and they typically last for about five days. If you are interested in trying it out, consider either drinking a juice for five days or eating raw fruit and vegetables, a sort of diet on days 1 and 5, and solely on juice for the rest of the days during the cleansing.
There are many different ways you can consume the juice in order to cleanse and flush your kidneys. Should you choose the right vegetables and fruits, they will be more than beneficial for detoxification of your kidneys.
In the following, we will present you with 4 juice recipes, which include a combination of vegetables and fruits for maximizing the effect of the process of kidney cleansing.
Here they are.
1. Radish Kidney Detox
Needed ingredients:
– 1 lemon;
– 8 ribs of celery;
– 1-inch ginger root.
– 6-8 radish;
– ½ head of purple cabbage;
If possible, you should use organic produce and wash them thoroughly before using them. Put all the previously mentioned ingredients through a juicer and drink the mixture. This should be equivalent to one meal during your kidney cleansing process. If you would like to make more portions, you are free to do as you please and just multiply the quantity of the ingredients.
2. Carrot – Cucumber Kidney Cleanse Juice
Needed ingredients:
– 8 carrots;
– 1 large cucumber.
– 2 green apples;
From the quantity of these ingredients one portion can be made. Multiply the ingredients if you want more.
Wash the ingredients thoroughly and put them in your juicer. This is a stronger juice that may be equivalent to more of a midday meal replacement.
3. Kidney Watermelon Flush
Needed ingredients:
– ½ watermelon (or fresh coconut water);
– 1 lime (peeled).
Include a rind every time you’re juice a watermelon. It is one of the best things you could do for breaking down any stone formation in your kidneys.
Cut up the watermelon in chunks, and put them in a juicer or blender with a peeled lime. The lemon will aid your body to absorb the nutrients 5 times better. This juice cleanses your kidneys in a very successful way, so you might want to make more of the juice for a bigger glass.
4. Cayenne and Citrus Kidney Cleanse
Needed ingredients:
– 1 lemon;
– 16 ounces of water;
– ½ a lime;
– 1 tablespoon of raw honey;
– A dash of cayenne pepper.
If you choose to make this drink, start by drinking it every morning. The combination of lime, lemon and cayenne pepper will help your kidneys tremendously in their cleansing. Just mix the lime and lemon juice with 16 ounces of water and raw honey. Also, you might want to add a days of cayenne pepper to taste.