10 Health Benefits of Green Beans

The green beans are also known as string beans too, and are easy to find too. They are available in plenty of grocery stores, and are filled with all kinds of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and almost no carbs. What you can also find in the string beans is calcium, dietary fiber, protein and iron, as well as several other important nutrients.

The green beans also contain an impressive amount of antioxidants and other essential nutrients too, as well as being high in omega 3 fatty acids. The flavonoid and carotenoid contents make the green beans an excellent anti inflammatory agent. This is why in addition we give you the best health benefits that you can get from consuming the green beans on a regular basis.

Health Benefits of Green Beans

1. It can keep cardiovascular diseases at bay – the green beans are able to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, all because of their high flavonoid levels. The flavonoids are polyphenolic antioxidants that an often be found in various fruits and veggies. Because of the high levels of flavonoids, the green beans have certain anti inflammatory properties too. This veggie is able to prevent any blood clotting in the veins and arteries. This means that a healthy dose of the green beans will keep the strokes, heart attacks and any other cardiovascular issue at bay.

2. Contains less calories – the fresh green beans are very low in calories. This is why people who are keeping track of their calories should have no problem consuming them in big amounts. The green beans also contain very low levels of sodium, cholesterol and saturated fats.

3. Can control diabetes – these legumes have been proven to regulate the symptoms of diabetes with many patients. There have been plenty of studies which have shown a definitive influence on patients who are dealing with diabetes. As you are probably aware by now, the diabetes is a condition that requires a constant maintenance of the blood sugar levels. Because the natural regulators of the diabetes are very rare, and this makes the green beans an even bigger asset when it comes to controlling diabetes.

4. Will boost the immunity – the presence of the boosting antioxidants in the green beans have far more antioxidant properties than one can imagine. The antioxidants are beneficial when it comes to eliminating the dangerous free radicals before they cause any irreversible damage. The string beans are an excellent source of carotenoids and flavonoids, and some basic antioxidants such as kaempferol and quercetin, as well as epicatechins and catechins, which have both proven to reduce the severity of strokes.

5. Is rich in fiber – the green beans are an excellent source of dietary fiber. As we all know, the dietary fiber contains many health benefits, especially for people who are suffering from digestive issues. The fiber content found in the string beans is able to alleviate hemorrhoids, constipation and diverticulosis. Also, the high content in fiber will maintain the balance of blood sugar and cholesterol levels in the body.

Green-Beans nutrition

6. Will prevent any infections – the high content of vitamins found in the green beans are an excellent way to prevent plenty of different infections that can come to the body.

7. Provides eye care – there are some carotenoids found in the green beans that can prevent the macular degeneration from happening. The zeaxanthin as well as the lutein are focused in the macula of the eye, and reduce the levels of stress to the inner workings of the eyes. Making sure that the carotenoid levels stay strong, as well as your eye health levels, include the green beans in your regular dietary plan.

8. Improves the health of the bones – there have been plenty of nutrients found in the green beans, such as the calcium, that can contribute to an improved health of the bones. Some of the other nutrients are Vitamin A, Vitamin K as well as silicon. If you are deficient in any of these compounds you will lose the strength of the bones and the durability. The silicon is not considered to be a very common mineral, mostly because it is rare, but significant amounts of it are found in some foods, including the green beans.

9. Will treat gastrointestinal issues – the green beans are filled with fiber, which is a well known compound that preserves the health of the body. If you enjoy a fiber rich dieting plan, you can ease a lot of the digestive issues such as diarrhea, constipation, ulcers, hemorrhoids and acid reflux disease. Consuming the fiber is key to keeping them away from the body, because even though they can be quite irritable, they can also develop to becoming potentially life threatening. Thankfully, the green beans are those that will work best to preserve the health of your gastrointestinal condition.

10. Can be included in the pre-natal care – finally, the green beans are an excellent source of folic acid, which is able to maitnain the health of the infants inside the womb. The folic acid levels in the body of the woman are important to the normal in utero development of the baby, especially when it comes to preventing any neural tube defects from ever occurring. The green beans will provide you with a happy and healthy baby.

If you are eager to start consuming a food that will fit in perfectly in your regular dieting plan, then this is the one for you. It is an effective way to get a decent dosage of nutrients. We advise you to consume the green beans in a balsamic green beans salad. They are available in consuming in a pickled form. We urge you to start consuming them now and get all the benefits from them!

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